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Bare Toed are flowing with the current circumstances and as always, are looking for opportunities to play, collaborate and develop. Here are some updates!

Rachel has been funded to research for a PHD, looking into attitudes towards embodied learning in primary schools. What might be different if we placed bodies as central to pedagogy? She will be seeking collaborators and questionnaire responders.

Lynn and Jo continue to teach and facilitate with Arts Connect, the Dance Degree, Circus BTEC and Music Therapy courses.


All of our sessions are moving and adapting with Government Guidelines. Sometimes by limiting numbers or moving online. Please ask!

Art and Music Garden
Jo is running inclusive music and movement sessions in beautiful Scottswood community garden. Silent Disco, drumming, songs, movement and play for young people and their families. Moving with the seasons and outdoor learning.
To book or enquire contact

Family Hang and Hang out and Dance
These sessions see the whole family upside down, supporting each other and hanging out! Creative dance and play with an chance to fly.
Check Dance City website for dates of next one

Youth Aerial
Newcastle classes

Pregnancy, Birth and Post Natal
Lynn is running 1-1 Yoga for Pregnancy classes online. Body, breath, Yoga for well being and birth preparation. Sing lullabies to your bump or after the birth to work on posture, release and rebuilding strength through movement and yoga with your baby.
To book or enquire contact

Inculsive Opportunities
Bare Toed continue to work closely with Arts Connect/Newcastle Arts Development team. The organisation meets young people with special educational needs and disabilities to support them to access arts activities in the North East. Opportunities include Digi Music, Art and Music Garden, Photo Club, and Laing Art online. There are regular training opportunities around inclusion for artists.
For more info

For the Grown Ups

The Newcastle Dance Collective
Friends of Bare Toed, movement and dance teachers and their practices. The collective are providing regular online classes

Circus Central
Dancing, flying, training and circus classes



We have a few little seeds planted for 2021 which we are hoping will grow throughout the year! We continue with our conversations and connections with Schools, Heritage, Arts organisations, students and collaborators. Our fingers are crossed for our regular appearance at The Mouth of The Tyne Festival. We are exploring avenues to share and develop our beautiful Above and Beyond film and developing aerial work and play.

Initial links with County Durham Sport creates a possibility to become collaborators in their research-informed Active Durham Partnership. Watch this space!

Jo, Lynn and Rachel xxx